Withdrawal policy
Withdrawal policy (Updated October 2024)
LCOMP and Competitive Program Policy
From the start of registration until September 30th , a swimmer must provide written notice to their Lead Coach and to the Treasurer (treasurer@pwasc.ca) to withdraw from the program. Swimmers are required to pay for all admin, program, BCAS and CAS fees upon withdrawal. Any program fees paid from September 30th onwards will be refunded. If additional items such as uniform and swimwear apparel are ordered prior to withdrawal, these items are non-refundable.
From October 1 to November 30th, a swimmer must provide two weeks written notice to their LeadCoach and to the Treasurer (treasurer@pwasc.ca) to withdraw from the program. The month in which notice to withdraw is offered and the following month’s fees must be paid.
December 1st forward, a swimmer must provide written notice to withdraw. No fees will be refunded, unless the athlete is withdrawing due to medical reasons. In such case, the Medical Withdrawal Policy will apply.
AquaGo Withdrawal Policy
Within the first 21 days of the start of the Fall, Winter or Spring term, a swimmer must provide written notice to their Lead Coach and to the Treasurer (treasurer@pwasc.ca) to withdraw from the current term. 50% of the balance of the training fees will be returned.
After 21 days from the start of the Fall, Winter or Spring term, a swimmer must provide written notice to their Lead Coach and to the Treasurer (treasurer@pwasc.ca) to withdraw from the current term. No refund will be provided, unless the athlete withdraws for medical reasons. In such case, the Medical Withdrawal Policy will apply.
If a swimmer pays the full season program fees at the beginning of the season, a refund request received 45 days before the Winter or Spring term start would be eligible for a full refund of the program fees.
Medical/Illness Withdrawal Policy
All programs (Aqua Go, LCOMP and Competitive Stream) In the case of injury or illness substantiated by a doctor’s note, agreed by the Technical Director and Board, may receive up to 50% refund of the program fee on a pro-rated balance. Any physician fees incurred for substantiating documentation are the responsibility of the swimmer’s family.The club can suspend activity to any participant if there is concern of safety for the individual. Program fees will be considered for refund from the time of inactivity and will be decided on a case-by-case basis.