Press Release: July 18, 2023
Attention friends from all provinces across the country, especially in the province of British Columbia (BC) — Pacific Wave Artistic Swim Club (PWAS) is currently accepting friends, swimmers and athletes for registration in our programs for the approaching season. Being an inclusive community, we welcome all to register with our programs. There are many spots available, and there are plenty of positions. The Club consists of recreational, and competitive groups, with each age group divided into different artistic swimming abilities and levels. Our artistic swim community operates based on parent volunteer involvement, the athletes’ abilities, and the overall goals of the teams. Our unified community is committed to supporting athletes of all abilities to achieve their personal goals, while making progress together as a team.
最新通告:尊敬的各省市朋友們,特別是不列顛哥倫比亞省(BC)的朋友們–Pacific Wave 藝術游泳俱樂部(PWAS)目前正接受來自各省市朋友、游泳健兒和藝術游泳愛好者的報名註冊,即將開啓新的賽季。<br>作為一個包容共融的社區,我們歡迎所有上述群體註冊參與我們的花游項目。名額數量充裕。本俱樂部由康樂組和競賽組組成,每一年齡段組又根據藝術游泳的能力和水平劃分。Pacific Wave 藝術游泳社區依靠家長志願者的參與、運動員能力和團隊整體目標來運作。本俱樂部設置康樂組和競技組,每一年齡段組又根據藝術游泳的能力和水平劃分。Pacific Wave 藝術游泳社區依靠家長志願者的參與、運動員能力和團隊整體目標來運作。我們團結一致,致力於支持各水平和能力的運動員實現他們的個人目標,同時作為一個團隊共同進步。